ProTechCon Process Technology Consulting  GmbH is a trading partner of EDUR-Pumpenfabrik Eduard Redlien GmbH & Co. KG

Clean water and energy – both are subjects relevant for

the future and cannot be managed without energy-efficient

pumps meeting the demands.

EDUR does offer a comprehensive range of pumps to meet

the various system requirements:

  • selfpriming and non-selfpriming centrifugal pumps for handling liquids
  • multiphase pumps for liquids with gas contents and for gas enrichment
  • torque-flow pumps for liquids with solids
  • special solutions

Water and wastewater treatment plants for example are

being optimized by EDUR multiphase pumps. For cleaning

industrial and municipal wastewater by dissolved air flota-

tion resp. for ozonation of drinking water or process water

always the multiphase pumps operate as a dynamic mixer

and do simplify the system design. This consequently results

in reduced investments and decreasing operating costs as


Even in case of pure liquid transport high energy savings are

useable. Circulation pumps with large flange diameters do

reduce the internal losses in the pump system and provide

high efficiencies. In case of varying operating modes suitable

pump controls have a supportive effect.

Contact us!

 Also for your requirements we do have reliable

 and energy-efficient pump solutions.

complete product Brochure PDF

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